Daily Report

the Fed diperkirakan less-aggressive dalam memangkas sukubunga acuan

26 Jul 2024
Mayoritas indeks Wall Street lanjutkan pelemahan di Kamis (25/7). Pelemahan kembali disebabkan oleh pelemahan harga saham mayoritas perusahaan teknologi besar (25/7). Pertumbuhan ekonomi AS naik ke 2.8% qoq di 2Q24, dibanding 2% qoq perkiraan dan 1.4% qoq pada 1Q24. Pasar memperkirakan the Fed akan less-aggressive dalam memangkas sukubunga acuan. Mayoritas indeks utama di negara-negara Euro Area melemah signifikan pada perdagangan Kamis (25/7). Kondisi oversold pada Stochastic RSI dan keberadaan neckline di 7200, membuka peluang IHSG menjaga fase konsolidasi dibanding membentuk pola minor reversal. Sejumlah emiten yang dijadwalkan rilis kinerja 2Q24 dalam waktu dekat adalah ASII, BBNI, BMRI, BTPN, UNTR dan MTEL. Pasar masih menunggu data realisasi FDI di 2Q24. Top picks (26/7) : HEAL, AALI, LSIP, TAPG, TLKM dan MAPI. By PHINTRACO SEKURITAS | Research Valdy K. - Disclaimer On -
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Wall Street alami pelemahan terburuk sejak 2022

25 Jul 2024
Wall Street catatkan pelemahan terdalam harian dalam beberapa tahun terakhir di Rabu (24/7). Nasdaq melemah hingga lebih dari 3% (24/7) seiring dengan pelemahan harga Alphabet (-5%) dan Tesla (-12.3%) pasca rilis kinerja keuangan 2Q24 yang berada di bawah ekspektasi. U.S. S&P Global Manufacturing PMI Flash turun ke 49.5 di Juli 2024 dari 51.6 di Juni 2024 turut menekan Wall Street. Penurunan indeks manufaktur juga terjadi di Jerman (42.6 vs 43.5) dan Euro Area (45.6 vs 45.8). Inggris menjadi satu dari sedikit negara di Eropa yang mampu mencatatkan dan mempertahankan indeks manufaktur di atas 50. IHSG diperkirakan lanjutkan pullback di Kamis (25/7). Pasar menantikan rilis data U.S GDP Growth yang diperkirakan naik ke 1.90% YoY di 2Q24 dari 1.40% YoY di 1Q24. Pasar juga masih mengantisipasi realisasi investasi riil di Indonesia di 2Q24. Top picks (25/7) : BBTN, CPIN, PGEO, MDKA dan ASSA. By PHINTRACO SEKURITAS | Research Valdy K. - Disclaimer On -
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Data FDI turut membentuk optimisme pasar

24 Jul 2024
Indeks-indeks Wall Street terkoreksi terbatas di Selasa (23/7). Pasar masih mencerna keputusan pengunduran diri Joe Biden sebagai Calon Presiden Partai Demokrat terhadap peta pemilu AS pada November 2024 mendatang. Sejumlah analis memperkirakan peluang besar Donald Trump untuk memenangi pemilu tersebut. Isu kebijakan inward looking, peningkatan intensitas U.S.-China trade wars dan dampaknya terhadap world trade value kembali mengemuka. Pelaku pasar juga dibayangi oleh antisipasi pelaku pasar terhadap rilis laporan keuangan 2Q24. IHSG diperkirakan kembali fluktuatif di kisaran level psikologis 7300 pada perdagangan Rabu (24/7). Pasar mengantisipasi data Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) di Indonesia pada 2Q24 (24/7). Data ini dapat mempengaruhi cara pasar memandang outlook pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia di sisa tahun 2024. Top picks (24/7) : EXCL, TOWR, MBMA, EMTK, dan ERAA. By PHINTRACO SEKURITAS | Research Valdy K. - Disclaimer On -
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Daily Stock Review

Today’s Selective Shares by Phintraco Sekuritas

26 Jul 2024
26 Juli 2024
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Today’s Selective Shares by Phintraco Sekuritas

25 Jul 2024
25 Juli 2024
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Today’s Selective Shares by Phintraco Sekuritas

24 Jul 2024
24 Juli 2024
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Weekly Report

The Fed hampir dipastikan pangkas sukubunga di September 2024

15 Jul 2024
DJIA tutup di atas 40,000 untuk pertama kalinya dalam sejarah (12/7). CME FedWatch Tools mencatat peluang pemangkasan sebesar 90.3% di September 2024. Hal ini turut memicu ekspektasi pemangkasan lanjutan ECB yang direspon positif oleh indeks-indeks di Eropa. Pertumbuhan ekonomi Tiongkok diperkirakan melambat ke 5% yoy di 2Q24 dari 5.3% yoy di 1Q24. Pekan ini pasar mengantisipasi data Neraca Perdagangan Indonesia (NPI) dan keputusan RDG BI. Pasar menantikan pandangan dari BI terkait peluang pemangkasan di 2024, seiring perkembangan kondisi terkini di eksternal. IHSG mungkin ditopang euforia the Fed di awal pekan, tapi waspadai potensi profit taking di tengah-akhir pekan ini. Top picks : ADMR, INTP, ICBP, MAPI dan MYOR. By PHINTRACO SEKURITAS | Research Valdy K. - Disclaimer On -
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IHSG ditopang euforia the Fed

08 Jul 2024
Pasar merespon positif kenaikan U.S. Unemployment Rate ke 4.1% di Juni 2024 dari 4% di Mei 2024. Data tersebut meningkatkan peluang pemangkasan sukubunga acuan the Fed secara signifikan ke 72% di September 2024 (CME FedWatch Tools). Partai oposisi, Labor Party mencatatkan kemenangan telak dalam Pemilu Parlemen di Inggris. Nilai tukar Rupiah berpotensi lanjutkan penguatan pada pekan ini seiring dengan mulai berbaliknya capital flow ke pasar modal Indonesia dalam sepekan terakhir. IHSG berpeluang lanjutkan penguatan di awal pekan (kondisi losing momentum untuk pullback). Waspadai potensi pullback di tengah sampai dengan akhir pekan ini. Top picks : INCO, MEDC, AMRT, ICBP, TLKM dan EXCL. By PHINTRACO SEKURITAS | Research Valdy K. - Disclaimer On -
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IHSG berpeluang uji resistance 7130-7150

01 Jul 2024
Perlambatan kenaikan U.S. Personal Core Expenditure (PCE) Price index di Mei 2024 menjaga ekspektasi pasar terhadap pemangkasan the Fed Rate di FOMC September 2024. Peluang pemangkasan masih di atas 50% (CME FedWatch Tools). IHSG berpeluang lanjutkan penguatan uji resistance area 7130-7150 di awal pekan. Waspadai potensi pullback jelang akhir pekan bersamaan dengan jadwal pidato Kepala the Fed, Jerome Powell (3/7). Inflasi Indonesia diperkirakan turun ke 2.70% yoy di Juni 2024 dari 2.84% yoy di Mei 2024. Inflasi yang relatif stabil di level rendah memberikan ruang bagi BI untuk berbagai upaya stabilisasi nilai tukar Rupiah. Kondisi ini diharapkan dapat menjaga Rupiah di bawah Rp16,400/USD. Top picks : ADMR, ANTM, PTBA, UNVR, dan CTRA. By PHINTRACO SEKURITAS | Research Valdy K. - Disclaimer On -
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Weekly Swing Trading Ideas

PHINTAS Weekly Swing Trading Ideas

22 Jul 2024
22 Juli 2024
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Pasar antisipasi data investasi riil 2Q24

22 Jul 2024
Indeks-indeks global, di AS dan Eropa melemah di Jumat (19/7). Terjadi global IT blackout yang sempat mengganggu operasional sejumlah bidang usaha dan pelayanan umum di Jumat (19/7). Pelemahan indeks-indeks utama di Wall Street (19/7) juga masih dipicu oleh rotasi ke saham-saham berkapitalisasi kecil yang diyakini pasar memperoleh keuntungan signifikan dari pemangkasan sukubunga acuan oleh the Fed. Pasar juga terpengaruh keputusan ECB untuk menahan sukubunga acuan (18/7) dan nada hawkish dari petinggi ECB terkait peluang pemangkasan lanjutan kedepan. Dari dalam negeri, pasar menantikan data investasi riil oleh BKPM. Pasar nampaknya sudah mengantisipasi kemungkinan perlambatan pertumbuhan investasi riil. IHSG diperkirakan kembali fluktuatif di kisaran 7250-7330 di Senin (22/7). Top picks : ADMR, AKRA, AVIA, BRIS, INDF, SIDO, dan INCO. By PHINTRACO SEKURITAS | Research Valdy K. - Disclaimer On -
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PHINTAS Weekly Swing Trading Ideas

15 Jul 2024
15 Juli 2024
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IPO Summary

PT Esta Indonesia Tbk (NEST)

23 Jul 2024
PT Esta Indonesia Tbk Code : NEST Sector : Consumer Non Cyclicals Sub-Sector : Fish, Meat & Poultry --------------------------------------------- PERKIRAAN JADWAL PENAWARAN UMUM PERDANA SAHAM Perkiraan Tanggal Efektif : 31 Juli 2024 Perkiraan Masa Penawaran Umum : 01 Agustus - 06 Agustus 2024 Perkiraan Tanggal Penjatahan : 06 Agustus 2024 Perkiraan Tanggal Distribusi Saham : 07 Agustus 2024 Perkiraan Tanggal Pencatatan Saham di BEI : 8 Agustus 2024 --------------------------------------------- STRUKTUR PENAWARAN UMUM PERDANA SAHAM Sebanyak-banyaknya 822,500,000 saham biasa atas nama dengan nilai nominal Rp50 setiap saham atau sebanyak-banyaknya 20% dari modal ditempatkan dan disetor penuh dalam Perseroan setelah Penawaran Umum Perdana Saham. Nilai Nominal : Rp50 per lembar saham Harga Penawaran : Rp160 - Rp200 per lembar saham Jumlah Penawaran Umum : Sebanyak-banyaknya Rp164,500,000,000 Penjamin Emisi : PT KGI Sekuritas --------------------------------------------- Laporan dalam format PDF dapat diunduh pada menu "Research - IPO Summary" di www.phintracosekuritas.com dan telegram @phintasofficial By PHINTRACO SEKURITAS | Research - Disclaimer On - Contact Us : WA : 08119560188 IG : phintracosekuritas YT : Phintraco Sekuritas TELE : phintasofficial www.phintracosekuritas.com www.profits.co.id
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PT Intra GolfLink Resorts Tbk (GOLF)

24 Jun 2024
PT Intra GolfLink Resorts Tbk Code : GOLF Sector : Consumer Cyclicals Sub-Sector : Recreational & Sports Facilities --------------------------------------------- PERKIRAAN JADWAL PENAWARAN UMUM PERDANA SAHAM Perkiraan Tanggal Efektif : 28 Juni 2024 Perkiraan Masa Penawaran Umum : 02 Juli - 04 Juli 2024 Perkiraan Tanggal Penjatahan : 04 Juli 2024 Perkiraan Tanggal Distribusi Saham : 05 Juli 2024 Perkiraan Tanggal Pencatatan Saham di BEI : 08 Juli 2024 --------------------------------------------- STRUKTUR PENAWARAN UMUM PERDANA SAHAM Sebanyak-banyaknya 3,100,000,000 saham atau sebanyak-banyaknya 15.02% dari total modal ditempatkan dan disetor setelah Penawaran Umum Perdana Saham yang merupakan Saham Baru dengan nilai nominal Rp25 setiap saham. Nilai Nominal : Rp25 per lembar saham Harga Penawaran : Rp200 - Rp230per lembar saham Jumlah Penawaran Umum : Sebanyak-banyaknya Rp713,000,000,000 Penjamin Emisi : PT KB Valbury Sekuritas PT Samuel Sekuritas Indonesia PT Semesta Indovest Sekuritas PT Trimegah Sekuritas Indonesia Tbk --------------------------------------------- Laporan dalam format PDF dapat diunduh pada menu "Research - IPO Summary" di www.phintracosekuritas.com dan telegram @phintasofficial By PHINTRACO SEKURITAS | Research - Disclaimer On -
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PT Superior Prima Sukses Tbk (BLES)

14 Jun 2024
PT Superior Prima Sukses Tbk Code : BLES Sector : Basic Materials Sub-Sector : Construction Materials --------------------------------------------- PERKIRAAN JADWAL PENAWARAN UMUM PERDANA SAHAM Perkiraan Tanggal Efektif : 26 Juni 2024 Perkiraan Masa Penawaran Umum : 28 Juni - 02 Juli 2024 Perkiraan Tanggal Penjatahan : 02 Juli 2024 Perkiraan Tanggal Distribusi Saham : 03 Juli 2024 Perkiraan Tanggal Pencatatan Saham di BEI : 04 Juli 2024 --------------------------------------------- STRUKTUR PENAWARAN UMUM PERDANA SAHAM Sebanyak-banyaknya 1,318,979,000 saham atau sebanyak-banyaknya 15.05% dari total modal ditempatkan dan disetor setelah Penawaran Umum Perdana Saham yang merupakan Saham Baru dengan nilai nominal Rp50 setiap saham. Nilai Nominal : Rp50 per lembar saham Harga Penawaran : Rp175 - Rp185 per lembar saham Jumlah Penawaran Umum : Sebanyak-banyaknya Rp244,011,115,000 Penjamin Emisi : PT Lotus Andalan Sekuritas --------------------------------------------- Laporan dalam format PDF dapat diunduh pada menu "Research - IPO Summary" di www.phintracosekuritas.com dan telegram @phintasofficial By PHINTRACO SEKURITAS | Research - Disclaimer On - Contact Us : WA : 08119560188 IG : phintracosekuritas YT : Phintraco Sekuritas TELE : phintasofficial www.phintracosekuritas.com www.profits.co.id
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Company Update

INDF : Operational Efficiency Drives EBITDA Improvement

18 Jul 2024
INDF's revenue grew limited 0.81% YoY to IDR30.7 trillion in 3M24.  Despite the limited revenue growth, INDF recorded a Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) decline by 3.87% YoY to IDR19.5 trillion in 3M24. As a result, the gross profit grew significantly by 10.19% YoY to IDR11.2 trillion in 3M24. EBITDA grew significantly in line with efficient operating activities. INDF recorded EBITDA grew significantly by 25.18% YoY to Rp7.2 trillion in 3M24 from Rp5.7 trillion in 3M23. This growth aligned with a significant decrease in operating expenses by 9.42% YoY to Rp3.9 trillion in 3M24 from Rp4.4 trillion in 3M23. This condition shows that INDF can increase efficiency in its operating activities, reflected in significant EBITDA growth. Raw material prices flatten, INDF's profitability has the potential to stabilize. In producing its products, INDF utilizes critical raw materials such as CPO and Wheat, so its profitability depends on fluctuations in raw material prices. If CPO and Wheat prices are more stable in the future, INDF's profitability will potentially stabilize. The Company's subsidiaries have a global bond burden in USD. PT Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur Tbk (ICBP), as a subsidiary of INDF restructured its debt to finance the acquisition of Pinehill Company Ltd. (PCL) by issuing four global bonds in USD. This action increased ICBP's total debt in FY21, and its interest expenses also increased significantly. ICBP's average sales growth post-PCL acquisition from 2020 to 2023 was 12.73%. Then, ICBP's average net profit margin (NPM) from 2020 to 2023 is 12.78%, so we believe ICBP's NPM will stabilize at a 2-digit level in the next few years. We estimate that this condition can cover high-interest expenses and minimize liquidity risk. Using the Discounted Cash Flow method with Required Return of 8.05% and Terminal Growth of 2.75%, we estimate INDF's fair value at IDR7,842 per share (Expected PE at 6.48x and EV/EBITDA at 3.91x in FY24). We give INDF a Buy rating with potential upside 31.80%. By PHINTRACO SEKURITAS | Research - Disclaimer On -
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MBMA: Enhanced Earnings Momentum with an Integrated Nickel Supply Chain

01 Jul 2024
In 1Q24, MBMA's revenue fell 2.25% to US$444.23 mn, and net profit dropped 41.3% QoQ to US$3.67 million. This was due to significant declines in Nickel Pig Iron (NPI) and Limonite Ore sales, impacted by adverse weather and equipment shortages. NPI production and sales also decreased, with an 8.6% QoQ drop in Average Selling Price (ASP) amid fluctuating nickel prices. High-Grade Nickel Matte (HGNM) sales increased 18.4% QoQ to US$196.94 mn, despite lower production and a 3.82% drop in ASP to US$13,673/tonne. The revenue growth was driven by reduced purchasing costs for Low-Grade Nickel Matte (LGNM) and a 7.30% QoQ decline in All-In-Sustaining Cost (AISC), leading to a significant rise in cash margin by 2,905% QoQ to US$511/tonne. MBMA is set for growth in 2024F with advancements in its High Pressure Acid Leach (HPAL) and Acid Iron Metal (AIM) projects. The AIM acid plant successfully delivered its first acid post-1Q24, with further developments expected by 2Q24 and 2H24. The PT ESG HPAL plant is targeting late 2024 for commissioning and subsequent nickel production. These projects are anticipated to enhance MBMA's market position, diversify and increase revenue, and support long-term growth. We assign a BUY rating to MBMA with a potential upside of 20.58% or IDR760 per share. This valuation is based on the Sum-of-the-Parts (SOTP) valuation method with a WACC rate of 11.43% and terminal growth of 5%. The positive outlook is driven by growth projects, AIM plant production, and the planned HPAL plant commissioning. By PHINTRACO SEKURITAS | Research - Disclaimer On -
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TOWR : Unlocking Hidden Revenue Streams

27 Jun 2024
TOWR recorded revenue up 6% YoY to IDR3.05 trillion in 1Q24, driven by the non-rental segment which jumped 7% YoY to IDR403 billion from FTTH services, with EBITDA of IDR2.4 trillion and net profit increasing 6% YoY to IDR797 billion. Despite stagnant tower and tenant growth, the company focuses on growth and development as the telecommunications industry shifts to the Fixed Mobile Convergence (FMC) segment, with demand increasing and connectivity reaching 13.534 million in 1Q24, up 22.40% YoY. Fiber to the Home (FTTH) demand jumped significantly, with 124,704 thousand home connections in 1Q24, growing 424.30% YoY, while Fiber to the Tower (FTTT) was supported by fiber optic length reaching 186,571 km in 1Q24, an increase of 14.90% YoY. We project TOWR's revenue in FY24 to be IDR3.4 trillion, reflecting a growth of 5.60% YoY. This growth is mainly driven by the non-rental segment Anticipating slower growth in the tower rental segment, TOWR focuses on expanding its fiber optic segment through the development of Fiber to the Tower (FTTT) and Fiber to the Home (FTTH), aiming to capitalize on the industry's shift towards Fixed Mobile Convergence (FMC) and projecting 7% YoY EBITDA growth to IDR10.44 trillion, supporting a net profit increase of IDR3.4 trillion in FY24. We assign a buy rating to TOWR with a potential upside of 26.20% or IDR860 per share. This valuation is based on Discounted Cash Flow with a WACC rate of 7.10% and terminal growth of 2.00%. TOWR has upside potential with an EV/EBITDA implication of 7.99x and EV/Tower of 2.48x for FY24F. By PHINTRACO SEKURITAS | Research - Disclaimer On -
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Market Outlook

Properties & Real Estate: Marketing Sales Resilience in 2024

23 Jul 2024
Home Ownership Backlog in Indonesia, Ownership of livable houses in Indonesia is still relatively small. The ratio of habitable home ownership in Indonesia has only experienced limited growth over the last five years. Restoring the quality of economic growth after the pandemic, Indonesia continues to show growth in its macroeconomic conditions. Indonesia's GDP has continued to increase in the last three years. Marketing Sales Growth Trend, The development of infrastructure and government support to encourage stability and economic growth in Indonesia have increased marketing sales of property company yearly. Stable Land Bank, The majority of property company have succeeded in maintaining the Land Bank optimally. This can be seen from the stable number of land banks in the last 5 years. After the election is over, property sales have the potential to increase. Apart from that, based on PUPR ministry data, the ratio of livable house ownership in Indonesia will only be 57.31% in 2023. Property Vs. Interest Rates. During the high interest rates in 2023, Home Ownership Credit (KPR) financing will still record growth, although limited. VAT incentives. The Government will continue the VAT incentives program until 2024. This program is an incentive provided by the Government, which will cover 100% VAT on house purchases from November 2023 to June 2024 and house purchases from July–December 2024, covered by 50%. The trend of increasing property prices and recurring income. The Residential Property Price Index (IHPR) released by Bank Indonesia in 1Q24 increased to 108.76, growing 1.89% yoy. Most property company are still recording marketing sales growth, which aligns with each company's FY24F targets. With the various catalysts above, as well as the performance of each issuer in the property sector, we make our top picks BSDE, with a potential fair value of IDR 1300, CTRA, with a potential fair value of IDR 1390 , and SMRA, with a potential fair value of IDR 705 . By PHINTRACO SEKURITAS | Research - Disclaimer On -
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Telco Infrastructure : Tower Infrastructure is Evolving to Support Next-Generation Connectivity

19 Jul 2024
Interest rate hikes by the Fed and Bank Indonesia since 2022 increased interest costs for tower companies, expecting a rate cut in September 2024 that could reduce the company's interest expenses. TOWR benefits more than MTEL as its interest-bearing debt/total liabilities ratio is lower, so the expected rate cut this year could boost its profit margins. Indonesia's Digital Transformation 2030 aims to become the world's fifth-largest economy. Its focus is on developing and expanding digital infrastructure, particularly in remote areas. Telecommunications companies are expanding into Eastern Indonesia with great potential and low penetration, with government support in constructing broadband networks. We recommend overweight on the tower sector due to continued demand growth driven by government focus on infrastructure for Indonesia Emas 2045, with Top Picks TOWR (target price IDR850) and MTEL (target price IDR720), as well as upside risk from demand growth and realization of interest rate cAut. By PHINTRACO SEKURITAS | Research - Disclaimer On -
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IT Services & Consulting: Unveiling Indonesia’s Burgeoning Tech Ecosystem

04 Mar 2024
Geopolitical tensions raise the risk of cyberattacks, and the average cost per breach continues to rise, highlighting the ongoing need for robust cybersecurity measures for businesses. 51% of companies increase cybersecurity costs and investments due to the escalating cost of data breaches and cyberattacks. Indonesia faces a critical challenge in data protection; this vulnerability underscores the need for robust cybersecurity through IT Consultants & Services companies. Indonesia's tech sector receives support from the government: Law No. 27 of 2022 on Personal Data Protection and Circular Letter No. 29/SEOJK.03/2022 related to robust data security protocols for individuals and financial institutions. There is no sector rating yet, but we foresee Indonesia's tech sub-sector IT Consultant & Services' prosperous future, propelled by a potent combination of supportive regulations, surging demand for security solutions, and the transformative potential of emerging technologies.
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