IHSG rawan pullback lanjutan
Wall Street mencatatkan penguatan bulanan keempat berturut-turut di Agustus 2024.
Realisasi PCE Price Index di 2.5% yoy di Juli 2024 yang lebih rendah dari perkiraan (2.6% yoy) membuka peluang pemangkasan yang lebih agresif di September 2024.
Inflasi (flash) Euro Area turun ke 2.2% yoy di Agustus 2024 dari 2.6% yoy di Juli 2024.
Tiongkok mengalami penurunan indeks manufaktur (NBS) ke 49.1 di Agustus 2024 dari 49.4 di Juli 2024. Kondisi manufaktur Tiongkok berada pada fase kontraksi untuk 4 bulan berturut-turut sejak Mei 2024.
pasar berharap indeks manufaktur Indonesia kembali ke kondisi ekspansif di Agutsus 2024 (2/9), inflasi diperkirakan stabil di 2.12% yoy di Agustus 2024.
IHSG diperkirakan bergerak dalam rentang 7600-7730 di pekan ini.
Valdy K.
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IHSG rawan pullback lanjutan
Nasdaq (-0.23%) dan S&P 500 (-0.00%) terkoreksi di Kamis (29/8).
Harga saham NVIDIA melemah 6.4% setelah membukukan pendapatan dan laba yang lebih baik dari perkiraan di 2Q24.
Perbaikan data-data ekonomi terbaru di AS direspon dengan peningkatan peluang pemangkasan sukubunga acuan the Fed sebesar 50 bps di FOMC September 2024 (CME FedWatch Tools).
Mayoritas indeks di Eropa ditutup menguat relatif signifikan (29/8).
Inflasi di Jerman turun ke 1.9% yoy di Agustus 2024 dari 2.3% yoy di Juli 2024 dan lebih rendah dari perkiraan di 2.1% yoy.
Harga minyak menguat sekitar 1.5% di Kamis (29/8) merespon rencana pemangkasan volume produksi minyak Irak ke 3.9 juta barel/hari mulai September 2024 dari 4.25 juta barel/hari di Juli 2024.
IHSG rawan pullback lanjutan ke kisaran support 7600 di akhir pekan ini (30/8).
Pasar akan disibukan dengan banyak data ekonomi penting dari AS dan Eropa, termasuk inflasi produsen di AS, inflasi di Euro Area dan tingkat pengangguran di Jerman pada hari ini.
Top picks (30/8) : TLKM, CLEO, ESSA, DOID, ASSA, BRIS.
Valdy K.
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IHSG berpotensi kembali cetak All Time High di Kamis (29/8)
Indeks-Indeks Wall Street ditutup melemah di Rabu (28/8).
US Personal Consumption Expenditure (PCE) Price Index di Juli, diperkirakan meningkat dari 2.5% yoy di Juni menjadi 2.6% di Juli.
Rilis kinerja keuangan NVIDIA yang lanjut mencatatkan pertumbuhan berpotensi memicu rebound di Kamis (29/8).
IHSG berhasil ditutup menguat dan mencetak rekor all time highnya di level 7,658.875 (+0.80%) pada Rabu (28/8).
Secara teknikal IHSG berhasil menembus level strong resist di level 7600, yang tervalidasi dengan adanya pelebaran positif slope MACD, sehigga IHSG berpotensi menguji level resistance berikutnya di 7700 pada Kamis (29/8).
Di Jerman, akan dirilis data inflasi awal bulan Agustus, dengan proyeksi turun menjadi 2.10% YoY dari 2.30% YoY di bulan Juli.
Pasar menantikan rilis estimasi GDP growth rate kuartal kedua, yang diprediksi membaik dari 1.40% pada kuartal pertama menjadi 2.80%.
Top picks di Kamis (29/8) meliputi BBCA, BBNI, MAPI, BRPT dan MBMA.
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TLKM : ERP Pressure Hit TLKM’s EBITDA in 2Q24
TLKM recorded revenue growth of 1.27% YoY in 2Q24, primarily driven by significant increases in the data, internet, and IT services segment (+7.17% YoY).
The performance of the IndiHome segment experienced a sharp decline of -15.12% YoY, weighing down the company's total revenue.
Early Retirement Program (ERP) and investment in GOTO contributed to a decline in EBITDA by -4.86% YoY and a reduction in net profit by -9.85% YoY.
Telkomsel Lite saw subscriber growth of +4.30% YoY, despite a decline in ARPU due to targeting the low-cost market segment.
Telkom introduced EZNet with competitive pricing in the fixed broadband market, expected to increase the number of subscribers but potentially pressuring ARPU and yield.
We maintain our BUY recommendation for TLKM with a lower target price of IDR3,440 per share, reflecting a potential upside of 15.40%. This valuation is based on DCF with terminal growth of 2%. This upside potential implies a PER and EV/EBITDA valuation of 14.56x and 4.80x, respectively, for FY24F.
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Food & Beverage: Potential Increase in Public Consumption
The Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation rate continues to decline. The CPI inflation rate in Indonesia stood at 2.13% YoY in July 2024. We estimate that the sluggish CPI inflation rate can potentially increase public consumption, which can positively correlate with issuers' financial performance in the consumer sector.
The Consumer Confidence Index (CCI) is maintained at an optimistic level. We assess that consumer confidence maintained above the 120 level indicates that Indonesia's economic conditions are still quite strong, which has the potential to keep people's purchasing power solid and support future economic growth.
The Retail Sales Index (RSI) experienced an increase in June 2024. The Retail Sales Index (RSI) was recorded at 229.0 in June 2024. We expect the Retail Sales Index (RSI) to be maintained in line with several National Holidays in 2H24 (Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia and HBKN Christmas 2024), which have the potential to increase public consumption.
The flagship program of President and Vice President-elect Prabowo-Gibran, namely Makan Bergizi Gratis (MBG), has been officially included in the Draft State Budget and Expenditure (RAPBN) for Fiscal Year 2025 with a budget allocation of Rp71 trillion or equivalent to 0.29% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The program has the potential to positively impact several sectors, one of which is the consumer sector (for processed foods such as spices and their supporters), so it can boost the company's financial performance.
Prices of key raw materials flatten. During the first semester of 2024, the average price of Wheat was around US$596/Bu, a significant decline of 13.6% YoY. meanwhile, the average CPO price was around MYR4,014/ton, an increase of around 3% YoY. We assess that if both commodity prices tend to stabilize in the future, it will potentially increase the profitability of consumer sector issuers.
Consumer sector issuers in our coverage still recorded sales growth in the first half of 2024. MYOR recorded sales growth of 9.48% YoY to IDR16.2 trillion, ICBP recorded sales growth of 7.20%
YoY to Rp36.9 trillion, and INDF recorded sales growth of 2.16% YoY to IDR57.29 trillion.
We recommend Overweight in the consumer sector with various catalysts above. Our top picks are MYOR, with estimated fair value of IDR2,950 > ICBP, with estimated fair value of IDR12,504 > and INDF, with estimated fair value of IDR7,842.
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IHSG jaga peluang kembali uji 7600 di Rabu (28/8)
Indeks-Indeks di Wall Street dan Eropa ditutup menguat di Selasa (27/8).
US CB consumer confidence di Agustus sebesar 103.3 meningkat dari 101.9 di Juli serta lebih baik dari proyeksi (100.7)
IHSG menjauhi overbought area bersamaan dengan koreksi Selasa (27/8). Sehingga potensi uji 7600 masih terbuka.
Tiongkok membukukan pertumbuhan industrial profit (YTD) sebesar 3.6% yoy di Juli 2024, naik dari 3.5% yoy di Juni 2024.
Jerman membukukan realisasi pertumbuhan ekonomi 0% yoy di 2Q24, lebih baik dari perkiraan (-0.1% yoy) dan kondisi 1Q24 (-0.1% yoy).
Belum ada kejutan signifikan dari hari pertama pendaftaran calon kepala daerah untuk Pilkada November 2024 nanti. Situasi politik relatif kondusif.
Top picks di Rabu (28/8) meliputi: BMRI, BBNI, ERAA, ACES, CPIN, JPFA, MAIN, dan TLKM.
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IHSG pertahankan strong rally
Nasdaq (-0.85%) dan S&P500 (-0.32%) melemah dibayangi oleh pelemahan harga saham-saham teknologi menjelang rilis kinerja keuangan terbaru.
Pengamat meyakini pemangkasan sukubunga acuan the Fed sebanyak 2-3 kali, masing-masing sebesar 25 bps di sisa 2024.
Harga minyak bumi menguat sekitar 3% di Senin (26/8) dipicu oleh production halt di Libya akibat dispute antara eastern government dengan western government.
Pasar mengantisipasi rilis data U.S. CB Consumer Confidence bulan Agustus 2024 (27/8) yang diperkirakan tetap berada di level optimis menjadi 100.1.
Jerman dijadwalkan rilis data pertumbuhan ekonomi Final di 2Q24 yang diperkirakan masih terkontraksi (-0.1% YoY).
Pasar menantikan rilis data Industrial Profits YTD di China pada Juli 2024 yang dijadwalkan rilis pada Selasa (27/8).
Jika IHSG mampu bertahan diatas level 7600, maka IHSG berpotensi lanjutkan penguatan uji 7650 di Selasa (27/8).
Top picks (27/8) : ESSA, MDKA, SMRA,BNGA, ANTM, dan BBTN.
Valdy K.
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