BTPS: Stay Focused on Consumer Empowerment

30 Okt 2024
BTPS's net profit fell 24% yoy to IDR771 billion in 9M24. This performance is the impact of BTPS being more conservative in distributing financing in 2024 to maintain BTPS's asset quality. BTPS continues to make efforts to improve asset quality. Net Non-Performing Financing (NPF) of 0.0% in 9M24 is lower than 0.7% in 9M23 and 0.3% in FY23. Consumer empowerment to increase consumer loyalty.The number of customers is 265.7 thousand communities, with the number of active customers being 3.87 million in 9M24 compared to 258 thousand communities in 9M23. BTPS focuses on developing new features for Tepat mobile banking.BTPS will facilitate the receipt of cash waqf and develop the Cash Waqf Linked Deposit feature (so that waqf funds can be invested in sharia financial instruments such as deposits). Using the Discounted Cash Flow method with a Required Return of 10.10% and Terminal Growth of 2.08%, we estimate BTPS' fair value at 1,315 (12.52x expected P/E). Considering BTPS' fair price and relative valuation below 1.82x –1 standard deviation of 5-year P/B, we give BTPS a buy rating with a potential upside of 21.70%. By PHINTRACO SEKURITAS | Research - Disclaimer On -
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Sektor tenaga kerja AS meragukan, the Fed jaga peluang pemangkasan

30 Okt 2024
Indeks Wall Street berakhir mixed di Selasa (29/10). Nasdaq (+0.78%) ditopang antisipasi kinerja keuangan 3Q24 perusahaan teknologi. U.S. JOLTs Job Openings turun ke 7.443 juta di September 2024 dari 7.861 juta di Agustus 2024. U.S. ADP Nonfarm Employment Change diperkirakan turun ke 101 ribu di Oktober 2024 dari 143 ribu di September 2024. Data-data di atas menunjukan sektor tenaga kerja di AS tidak sekuat yang diperkirakan, sehingga menjaga peluang pemangkasan sukubunga di FOMC pekan depan (9/11). Dari dalam negeri, fokus masih akan tertuju pada pekan puncak rilis kinerja keuangan 3Q24 pada pekan ini. Pasar masih hasil major review IDX80, LQ45 dan IDX30 yang akan efektif pada 1 November 2024 dan antisipasi major review oleh MSCI pada 7 November 2024. IHSG masih rawan lanjutkan pelemahan, uji level psikologis 7600 (30/10). Top picks (30/10) : ISAT, JSMR, SMRA, PWON dan DOID. By PHINTRACO SEKURITAS | Research Valdy K. - Disclaimer On -
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BBNI : Digital Initiative to Boost Revenue

29 Okt 2024
Net profit grew 3.5% yoy to Rp16.31 trillion in 9M24. This increase was in line with the increase in Interest income by 7.3% yoy to Rp48.84 trillion. Total loans reached IDR735 trillion in 9M24, growing 9.5% yoy and 1.1% qoq. Corporate loans grew 15.1% yoy to IDR409.2 trillion, contributing 56% of total loans in 9M24. Declining trend of Loan at Risk (LAR). BBNI targets LAR in 2024F to reach below 10%. BBNI's LAR was recorded at 11.8% ytd, down 360 bps Realization of the performance of a new growth engine for BBNI.Hibank targets the portion of MSME credit in 2024F to reach 45% from the previous 19% in FY23. Wondr by BNI and BNI direct drive BBNI CASA growth. As of 9M24, Wondr has acquired 225 thousand new users, with around 70% of BNI's retail savings coming from Wondr. Using the Discounted Cash Flow method with a Required Return of 11.05% and Terminal Growth of 4.65%, we estimate BBNI's fair value at 6,350 (19.24x expected P/E). Therefore, we maintain a buy rating with a lower fair value and potential upside of 15.42%. By PHINTRACO SEKURITAS | Research - Disclaimer On -
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IHSG memvalidasi pola minor bearish reversal jika breaklow 7630

29 Okt 2024
Indeks-indeks Wall Street menguat di Senin (28/10). Aksi balasan Israel yang tidak menargetkan fasilitas produksi minyak dan nuklir Iran pada akhir pekan lalu. Harga brent melemah 6.09% ke US$81.42/barel, sementara harga crude melemah 6.13% ke US$67.38/barel di Senin (28/10). Pekan ini merupakan “minggu tenang” sebelum Pemilihan Umum Presiden-Wakil Presiden AS pada 5 November 2024 dan FOMC the Fed pada 7 November 2024. Diantara tanggal-tanggal penting di atas, MSCI dijadwalkan mengumumkan hasil major review pada 6 November 2024. Pasar di Eropa akan merespon pidato dari ECB Vice President, Luis de Guindos yang masih berlangsung hingga saat laporan ini disusun. IHSG memvalidasi pola minor bearish reversal apabila breaklow 7630 di Selasa (29/10). Pasar nampaknya masih menakar potensi dampak keputusan pailit salah satu emiten besar di Bursa Efek Indonesia terhadap kinerja emiten bank. Top picks (29/10) : ARTO, ADMR, INKP, TINS dan ERAA. By PHINTRACO SEKURITAS | Research Valdy K. - Disclaimer On -
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BBCA: Credit Growth Accompanied by Maintained Credit Quality

25 Okt 2024
BBCA's net profit grew 12.8% yoy to IDR41.1 trillion in 9M24 (IDR54.8 trillion Annualized or 75% of our 2024F). Resilience of loan growth in the last five years. BBCA recorded credit growth of 14.5% yoy in 9M24. BBCA's credit quality remains healthy amid macroeconomic fluctuations. Lowest Cost of Fund (COF) compared to peers amidst high interest rates. Despite high interest rates, BBCA's cost of funds has remained stable in the last 5 years. Strong customer relationships are BBCA's competitive advantage. Customers increased by 5% yoy to 32.6 million in 9M24, with transaction volume reaching 26billion (+21%yoy) in 6M24. Using the Discounted Cash Flow method with a Required Return of 6.81% and Terminal Growth of 8.09%, we estimate BCA's fair value at 11,600 (26.14x expected P/E). Therefore, we maintain a hold rating for BBCA with a higher target and potential upside of 8.92%. By PHINTRACO SEKURITAS | Research - Disclaimer On -
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Waspadai support dan level psikologis 7700

25 Okt 2024
Mayoritas indeks Wall Street dan Eropa menguat di perdagangan Kamis (24/10). FactSet mencatat pertumbuhan laba bersih 3Q24 dari 160 perusahaan di S&P 500 berada di bawah ekspektasi pasar. Realisasi indeks manufaktur Euro Area dan Jerman di Oktober 2024 yang berada di atas ekspektasi dan membaik dari September 2024. Harga minyak kembali melemah sekitar 1% di Kamis (24/10). Donald Trump dalam kampanyenya menyatakan berencana menjadikan AS sebagai salah satu supplier utama minyak dunia. Donald Trump untuk sementara memimpin dalam sejumlah jajak pendapat jelang pemilu pada 5 November 2024 mendatang. Data-data terbaru terkait indikator konsumsi di AS diperkirakan lebih buruk dari periode sebelumnya. Kondisi ini berpotensi memperkuat tekanan bagi the Fed untuk tetap pada rencana awal, pemangkasan sukubunga sebanyak 2 kali di sisa 2024. Waspadai support dan level psikologis 7700 pada pergerakan IHSG di Jumat (25/10). Top picks (25/10) : BRIS, TOBA, TSPC, ESSA, dan GJTL. By PHINTRACO SEKURITAS | Research Valdy K. - Disclaimer On -
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