The Fed Interest Rate January 2025

31 Jan 2025
FOMC January 30th 2025: 4.25-4.50% (unchanged)
Previous: 4.25-4.50% The Fed decided to maintain interest rate within the range of 4.25–4.50% on January 30, 2025. Fed Chair Jerome Powell stated that the U.S. central bank required a temporary pause to further observe inflation trends following a prior rate reduction at the end of the previous year (19/12). This policy was adopted due to the continued strength of the U.S. economy and the diminished restrictive impact of interest rates on economic activity compared to earlier periods. Additionally, stable labor market conditions allowed Fed policymakers to delay adjustments to the benchmark rate until more concrete evidence of a sustained decline in inflation materializes. As measured by the Personal Consumption Expenditures (PCE) Price Index, inflation data stood at 2.40% year-over-year (YoY) in November 2024, while market consensus projections anticipated an increase to 2.60% YoY in December 2024. By PHINTRACO SEKURITAS | Research - Disclaimer On -
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Pasar antisipasi data ekonomi dan kinerja keuangan

31 Jan 2025
Mayoritas indeks di Wall Street catatkan rebound pada perdagangan Kamis (30/1). Presiden AS, Donald Trump mengumumkan rencana implementasi tarif impor atas produk dari Kanada dan Mexico sebesar 25% apabila keduanya tidak menghentikan ekspor fetynol ke AS. ECB pangkas sukubunga acuan sebesar 25 bps ke 2.75% di Kamis (30/1). Inflasi di Euro Area kemungkinan turun signifikan di Januari 2024 menyusul pullback signifikan harga minyak dan gas di akhir Januari 2024. Keputusan ECB tersebut dinilai turut menjustifikasi keputusan RDG BI untuk memangkas sukubunga acuan. Akan tetapi, kebijakan ini berpotensi memicu penguatan USD Index yang berdampak negatif pada nilai tukar Rupiah dalam jangka pendek. BBRI dan BMRI termasuk yang dijadwalkan rilis kinerja keuangan di sisa pekan ini sampai dengan pekan depan. Perhatikan pivot area 7050-7075 di perdagangan Jumat (31/1). Top picks (31/1) : LSIP, TAPG, SCMA, EMTK, dan MAPI. By PHINTRACO SEKURITAS | Research Valdy K. - Disclaimer On -
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IHSG diperkirakan fluktuatif pasca libur panjang

30 Jan 2025
>Indeks-indeks Wall Street masih cenderung lanjutkan pelemahannya di Rabu (29/1). >Pemerintah AS berencana membatasi penjualan chip ke Tiongkok menyusul peluncuran AI Model oleh perusahaan asal Tiongkok, DeepSeek di awal pekan ini. >FOMC berikutnya di Maret 2025. Dengan demikian, data-data ekonomi, khususnya inflasi dan sektor tenaga kerja akan menentukan keputusan sukubunga acuan dalam FOMC tersebut. >OPEC+ berencana meningkatkan supply dalam pertemuan pada 3 Februari 2025. >Harga minyak diperkirakan semakin tertekan. Kondisi ini diyakini memperlebar ruang the Fed dalam memangkas sukubunga acuan dalam FOMC terdekat berikutnya di Maret 2025, atau setidaknya merubah pandangan hawkish the Fed. >IHSG diperkirakan bergerak fluktuatif dengan kecenderungan melemah ke kisaran 7130-7150 di Kamis (30/1). >Top picks (30/1) : PWON, BSDE, ANTM, CTRA, ICBP, TAPG. By PHINTRACO SEKURITAS | Research Valdy K. - Disclaimer On -
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Indonesia Money Supply December 2024

24 Jan 2025
Money M2: 4.4% YoY Money M1: 5.8% YoY Loan Growth: 10.4% YoY Broad money supply (M2) growth slowed to 4.4% YoY, reaching IDR 9,211 trillion in December 2024, down from 6.5% YoY in November 2024. By component, M2 money development was driven by narrow money (M1) growth of 5.8% YoY and quasi-money growth of 0.3% YoY in December 2024. M2 money supply growth was supported by M1 money supply growth of 56.7%, consisting of currency growth outside commercial banks rural banks and rupiah demand deposits comprising electronic money and rupiah savings. M2 money supply growth has experienced a decline over the past year, contributing to the downward inflation trend. By PHINTRACO SEKURITAS | Research - Disclaimer On -
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“BBCA : Inline with our estimated, changed to Buy”

24 Jan 2025
BBCA's net profit grew 8.6% YoY to IDR95 trillion in FY24. This growth was in line with the development of Net Interest Income to IDR82.5 trillion (+12.7% yoY or 1.4% QoQ) Consistent growth in credit distribution in the last five years. BBCA recorded credit growth of 13.8% YoY in FY24. Increased third-party funds (TPF) also accompanied this credit growth. BBCA's TPF grew 2.9% YoY to IDR1.134 trillion in FY24, with the Current Account Saving Account (CASA) growing 4.4% YoY. BBCA’s gross Non-Performing Loan (NPL) decreased to 1.8% (10 bps YoY; 30 bps QoQ) in FY24. Thus, with the current price and performance of BBCA shares, we change BBCA's rating to buy by maintaining the fair value from the previous Company Update at 11,600, so the potential upside becomes 20.83%. By PHINTRACO SEKURITAS | Research - Disclaimer On -
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Respon dan antisipasi terhadap rilis kinerja keuangan FY24 menentukan pergerakan IHSG

24 Jan 2025
>DJIA (+0.92%) memimpin rally penguatan indeks-indeks Wall Street di Kamis (23/1). >Presiden AS, Donald Trump dalam WEF menyatakan akan mendorong the Fed untuk segera memangkas sukubunga acuan dan meminta Arab Saudi untuk menurunkan harga minyak (23/1). >Harga brent melemah 1.41% ke US$77.91/barel, sementara harga crude melemah 1.50% ke US$74.31/barel di kamis (23/1). >Bank of Japan (BoJ) diperkirakan menaikan sukubunga acuan sebesar 25 bps menjadi 0.50% pada hari ini (24/1). >Kondisi ini berpotensi memicu aksi jual pada obligasi AS oleh investor Jepang yang berpotensi melemahkan USD Index, setidaknya dalam jangka pendek. >IHSG diperkirakan kembali bergerak fluktuatif (konsolidatif) dalam rentang 7200-7250 di Jumat (24/1). >Pasar menantikan lanjutkan rilis kinerja keuangan FY24. >Top picks (24/1) : ACES, EXCL, ERAA, MYOR, dan TOWR. By PHINTRACO SEKURITAS | Research Valdy K. - Disclaimer On -
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BBNI: Moderation in Term Deposit Rate Potentially Becomes BBNI’s Catalyst in FY25F

23 Jan 2025
BBNI’s Interest Income grew 8.3% YoY to IDR66.6.7 trillion in FY24 (99% of our 2024F estimate). BBNI’s net interest income grew 6.5% QoQ, down 1.9% YoY in FY24. The higher increase in interest expense compared to interest income pressured BBNI’s interest margin (interest income +8.3% YoY vs. interest expense +29.2% YoY in FY24). BBNI's credit quality remains healthy amid macroeconomic fluctuations. BBNI's gross Non-Performing Loan (NPL) fell 10 bps YoY to 2.0% in FY24, with credit growing 11.6% YoY vs. 7.6% YoY in FY23. Moderation of Term Deposits (TD) rate and growth of the Current Account Saving Account (CASA) can potentially optimize BBNI's performance in FY25F. With BBNI's FY24 performance slightly below our expectations, we are lowering our FY25F projection. However, we maintain our BUY rating for BBNI with a lower estimated fair value of 6,150 (18.64x expected P/E) and a potential upside of 28.34%. By PHINTRACO SEKURITAS | Research - Disclaimer On -
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